Coat of arms

Chair of the Joint Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade
Senator for South Australia

Deputy Prime Minister
Minister for Infrastructure, Transport and Regional Development
Federal Member for Riverina

Media Release
8 December 2020

Roads and Community Infrastructure Funding to Create Local Jobs in Makin

The Morrison Government has approved funding for 8 projects within Adelaide’s north-eastern suburbs as part of its $1.5 billion Local Road and Community Infrastructure Program, which is supporting local jobs, businesses and enabling economic recovery.

Senator for South Australia, Senator the Hon David Fawcett said local construction projects were important for maintaining jobs and enabling continued economic growth in Makin.

“Not only will this new program improve amenity, support jobs, construction businesses and economic growth across Makin, it will also fund projects to improve road safety on local roads, helping South Australians get home safer,” Senator Fawcett said.

“That is why the Morrison Government has moved quickly to approve funding to flow to 8 projects, which will benefit residents of Adelaide’s north-eastern suburbs.

“Local councils can use local knowledge to progress a number of priority projects, including community amenities and local road improvements. We will work closely with our local councils to ensure projects get underway – supporting jobs and businesses as soon as possible.”

Funding for projects throughout the electorate of Makin are estimated to support approximately 50 jobs. This funding includes:

  • $689,699 for tree planting throughout City of Port Adelaide Enfield to improve landscaping throughout their area and help to meet the council’s target of planting more than 2,500 new trees each year.
  • $1,683,846 to the City of Salisbury for 3 projects including renewal of roadside sections to improve amenity and visual appeal, as well as improving safe and effective drop-off and pick-up activity around Ingle Farm Primary School.
  • $1,130,000 to the City of Tea Tree Gully for 4 projects including upgrade of Tilley Reserve lighting, Australia Avenue parking realignment and upgrading Waterworld Aquatic Centre’s heating system.

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Infrastructure, Transport and Regional Development Michael McCormack said the projects funded under the Program will improve the quality of life of Australians and have lasting economic and social benefits for local communities.

“Our funding boost will help communities across Australia accelerate priority projects to get people into jobs and stimulate our economy,” the Deputy Prime Minister said.

“We know how important our support is to communities who have faced the combined effects of drought, bushfires and now COVID-19, which is why we are backing projects to create employment and business opportunities while cutting travel times, as well as making our roads and communities safer.

“Having only announced the program in late May, we are moving decisively to deliver the support councils and communities need to get through this pandemic and get back on their feet.”

In May 2020, the Morrison Government also pre-paid $1.3 billion of this year’s Financial Assistance Grant to provide untied funding for all local councils across Australia to spend on local priorities.

More information on the Local Roads and Community Infrastructure Program is available here.
