For more information on 2022/23 Federal Budget measures, click the topics below.

Economic Recovery

The Morrison Government is only able to invest significantly in Australia’s future, through the 2022/23 Federal Budget, because our plan for a stronger economy is working.

Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, the Australian economy has outperformed all major advanced economies, experiencing a stronger recovery in output and employment compared to pre‑pandemic levels.

Real GDP is expected to grow by 4.25% in 2021/22, 3.5% in 2022/23 and 2.5% in 2023/24.

The unemployment rate is at 4% and this Budget will see it go even lower – forecast to reach 3.75% in late 2022 – delivering more jobs and higher wages.

The Budget shows the deficit more than halving to 1.6% of GDP by 2025/26 before falling to 0.7% of GDP by the end of the medium term – the fastest and largest improvement in the budget bottom line in more than 70 years.

Despite having faced the largest economic shock since the Great Depression, our debt to GDP levels, even when they peak, are still low by international standards, below all major advanced economies and less than half that in the United States and Japan.

The Government’s economic plan is working with Australia one of only 9 countries to maintain a AAA credit rating from major ratings agencies.

The 2022/23 Budget sets out the next stage of our plan for a stronger future.

For more information on Australia’s economic recovery, click here.

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For more information on health measures, click here.

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For more information on defence measures, click here.

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National Security


For more information on national security measures, click here.

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Road/Transport Infrastructure

South Australia continues to benefit from the Morrison Government’s record infrastructure investment, with $2.8 billion committed in the 2022/23 Budget.

Key new projects funded in South Australia in the 2022/23 Budget include, among other projects:

  • $200 million for the Marion Road – Anzac Highway to Cross Road
  • $120 million for the Adelaide Hills Productivity and Road Safety Package
  • $60 million for the Targeted Investments to Improve National Supply Chain Resilience
  • $16 million for the Main South Road Productivity Package

The 2022/23 Budget also includes $2.264 billion in additional funding for the North South Corridor – Torrens to Darlington (see right), $40 million in additional funding for Horrocks Highway Corridor, and $20 million in additional funding for the Marion Road and Sir Donald Bradman Drive Intersection Upgrade.

The Morrison Government has now committed more than $13.7 billion to SA infrastructure since 2013 – across 95 road and rail infrastructure projects, and 39 projects completed over the same period. With investment in infrastructure in every state and territory, the Government’s national rolling 10-year infrastructure investment pipeline increases from $110 billion, to in excess of $120 billion – a new record.

For more information on roads and transport infrastructure measures, click here.

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Small Business


For more information on small business measures, click here.

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Job Creation


For more information on measures designed to create jobs, click here.

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Tax Relief


For more information on tax relief measures, click here.

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The Federal Liberal Government is providing record funding for schools and universities, and is investing in targeted programs to support stronger educational outcomes. The Morrison Government is committed to ensuring that every child gets a quality education no matter where they go to school.

Funding for schools in South Australia has increased to a record $1.89 billion in 2022/23, up from $1.6 billion in 2020/21 – and an 88% increase since the Government came to office in 2013.

Funding for Australian higher education is $20 billion in 2022/23 – a record level of annual funding – which is expected to continue to grow over the forward estimates.

For more information on education measures and investment, click here.

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Veteran Affairs

An initial $22.8 million will fund 90 extra DVA staff to reduce a backlog in unprocessed claims, followed by a further $73.2 million for additional staff and other measures to reduce waiting times – taking the total new spending to $96 million and building on previous significant investment in 2021/22.

For more information on veteran affairs measures, click here.

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Families and Women

Record funding for child care.

More information on measures for women and families, click here.

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Trade and Foreign Affairs

The 2022/23 Budget resumes indexation for Australia’s ongoing baseline level of Official Development Assistance (ODA) -which will increase to $4.089 billion, up from $4.0 billion in 2021/22 – joined by targeted temporary measures of $460 million in ODA.

Supporting prosperity across the Pacific, Australia is increasing the Australian Infrastructure Financing Facility for the Pacific to $3.5 billion, improving road networks and electricity distribution in Papua New Guinea, supporting the establishment of the Honiara High Commission through $65.2 million, among other measures.

$324.4 million will also be distributed over 2 years to assist Pacific recover from COVID-19.

For more information on trade and foreign affairs measures, click here.

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