What a stronger economy delivers:
- More than 1.2 million new jobs created since we were elected in 2013 – the majority of which are full-time positions.
- More than 100,000 new jobs for young Australians between the ages of 15 and 24 in 2017-18. This is the highest number of jobs in a financial year on record.
- Lower taxes for households with more than 10 million taxpayers receiving tax relief in 2019/20.
- Lower taxes for 3.3 million small businesses employing 7 million Australians – 244,000 businesses to benefit in South Australia.
- The lowest level of welfare dependency in 30 years.
- $525 million invested to create 80,000 new apprenticeships to further strengthen and stimulate economic and jobs growth
- An extra $37.6 billion in schools funding over the next decade, which is on average a 62% increase in funding per student.
- Further $8.6 billion commitment for universal access to child care
- $17.7 billion for the Australian universities
- Over $5.7 billion for drought relief, recovery and resilience.
- Record funding for both Medicare and a new hospital agreement, plus a $1.25 billion Community Health and Hospitals Program.
- A fully-funded National Disability Insurance Scheme with no increase in the Medicare Levy.
- More than 1,900 new life-changing medicines worth over $10 billion listed on the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme.
- Record $100 billion in infrastructure over the next 10 years will be included in the 2019-20 Budget, including $2.6 billion for congestion-busting infrastructure projects across SA, plus $1.5 billion to help complete the crucial last stage of the North-South Corridor, between Darlington and the River Torrens.
- $551 million Adelaide City Deal to grow South Australia’s innovation and visitor economy, create jobs and support strategic population growth over the next decade.
- Greater support and respect for seniors and retirees; expanded aged care packages.
- $381 million additional funding over the next four years for counter terrorism agencies and a boost to crime prevention through our Safer Communities Fund.
- $328 million over four years to fund prevention, response and recovery initiatives to victims of domestic violence situations.
- Record investment in Defence and continued action to secure our borders.
Ensure the Government lives within its means, and doesn’t waste your money. We have returned the Budget to $7.1 billion surplus and we’re keeping spending and taxes under control. By paying down debt, we will protect the next generation.
Lower taxes, so Australians keep more of what they earn and save. This helps Australian families with their household budgets and to build for their future. 710,000 South Australians will benefit from tax relief for low and middle income earners saving each individual up to $1,080.
Back small, family and medium sized businesses to realise their potential and create 1.25 million more jobs over the next five years – including 250,000 more jobs for young Australians. Increased tax relief for small-medium business is set to benefit 244,000 businesses in South Australia.
Ensure affordable and reliable energy for households and businesses, by taking on the big energy companies, ensuring 24/7 reliable power and investing in hydro-electricity. The 2019/20 Budget includes $1.8 billion towards reliable, affordable energy through key initiatives including Snowy 2.0
Build the transport and technology infrastructure we need. This helps to strengthen our economy and connect people, products and markets. By busting congestion in our cities and building the infrastructure of regional Australia, we will also make life easier for families.
Drive all our industries forward. This means encouraging new technology and service industries and strengthening traditional sectors like resources, farming and manufacturing. The 2019/20 Budget supports growth in regional Australia through decentralisation schemes and targeted assistance, including $6.3 billion in drought assistance, $2.2 billion towards safer roads.
Ensure Australians of all generations have the skills they need, for the jobs of today and tomorrow. We will do this by funding more apprenticeships and with vocational education that responds to our economy.
Keep Australians working together, by supporting productive, cooperative and law-abiding workplaces. Australia can’t afford a throwback to the lawlessness and conflict that comes when militant union bosses have too much power.
Keep big businesses accountable, especially big banks, energy companies and multinationals. This means ensuring they pay their fair share of tax. It also means ensuring they give customers, employees, suppliers and farmers a fair deal.
Continue to expand opportunities for our exporters to create even more jobs, by securing more trade deals that are in Australia’s interests. Within the 2019/20 Budget, small and medium-sized businesses will benefit from $60 million in funding over the next three years to increase opportunities to export their produce and goods, utilising their free trade agreements.